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Adam Yee
 Back in junior high there was this big debate over who was better at skateboarding, Jackson or me. We skated together quite a bit, so neither of us really cared about the competition, we fed off of each other. I'll never forget the endless skate sessions we shared, as Jackson absolutely crushed everything under his four wheels. We never settled the debate, but I have to admit that I was always jealous of the fact that the girls liked him more. Such a hottie! I love you Jack and I'll always be inspired by you.
Terri Yunker - favorite auntie
You called me Ter Bear. I loved it.  It made me feel special. We had some great talks when you came to live with me. I remember the time you were so concerned that you wouldn't see Eli when you got to heaven. Something about Eli's beliefs (or lack of?) about God and the hereafter. I tried to reassure you God would always accept into his arms a truly good person, whatever the circumstances. I think you felt better when we finished talking. It reaffirmed to me what a sweet and caring person you were. And there were all the times you made me smile. Like the time I left some change laying around. It was actually for you to buy cigs or chew but I forgot to tell you. Well, you snatched it up, ran up the stairs to give it to me saying I shouldn't leave it laying around cuz your mom is always picking up change. You were so special and had so much to offer and didn't even know it. It hurts so bad that you are gone. But I know you are in heaven and have met your grandpa Pete and uncle Chuck. Bill and Ben are with you too. I know you are happy now. I will miss you forever.
Calindy Turner
When I think of you I think of Lesher Jr. High, you made 9th grade one of the best years of my life. With city bus shenanigans there was never a dull moment with you on the ride home. I will remember countless Thursday night concerts, and talking for so long after one that we actually had snails climbing up the back of our shirts:)  to the time when you found 100 bucks on the sidewalk and we did what any 15 year olds would do and that was went “fishing” and later that night Anthony fell out of Amy’s window, lol. There was never an uneventful moment when you were around, I will miss how captivating you were and the gentleness you had about you, a sweetness I will soon not forget. I cherish the time I spent with you and the memories I have of you, I can’t fully comprehend the lasting impact you have had on my life nor the sorrow I feel now knowing you are gone. I hope you find peace and go basking in the love you have left behind.  I am grateful to have called you friend…
Rachel Rodriguez
Dearest Jacky -

Where do I begin I have so many great memories with you and our crew! I remember the first time we met it was you, Jeremiah and Anthony from then on it was us four for a long time!! You were a great friend always there when I needed someone to listen making me feel so much better after our long talks, you always knew what to say no matter what. We shared some crazy times (camping - feeling like we were lost in the woods, you asking me if I knew how to survive in the wilderness, ya right! Laughing until we cried about the man walking in the middle of the street in his banana costume!! Bickering about Justin Timberlake in our long car rides, haha!! Yes he listened to JT:) Rollerblading in random parking lots with crazy wigs on!! You always liked the long brown haired one for some reason?! Giving me your favorite hoodie, running from a house party, ripping the hood completely off and all you could do is laugh at me!! :) Your laugh will be missed........

Jacky even though we went our separate ways a couple years ago, I haven't forgotten the man I knew and shared so many wonderful times with!!! You will be truely missed by many, I hope you have found peace now and know you are watching down on all of us in which you truely cared about. You will not be forgotten nor will the memories we shared...

Much Love Jacky!!

Amanda Brooksmith
First and foremost, I, like everyone else was honored to have known you. You were the sunshine, humor and love that filled the room anywhere you went. Although you and I had a love/hate relationship for some years, I have truly always adored who you were as a person and friend. I hated how you always told on me if I was trying to talk to one of my brother and your friends or if one of you guy's friends wanted to talk to me. Although I always got so mad at you for getting on my case, I knew it was because you always had my brothers back and felt like you had to protect me the way Ben did if he wasn't around <3 After Ben passed a new love grew in me for you. You and your brother truly were the biggest support and comfort I had throughout the last year and a half. It was though you felt my pain more than most could even fathom. Anytime I would enter a room you were in after my brother passed you would rush up to me and pull me aside to talk. Those life, love and supportive talks would last anywhere from five to forty five minutes every time I saw you. You were the only person that I felt truly comfortable breaking down to, I told you things I have never shared with anyone... I hope you can share them with Ben now. I will always miss my talks with you, the way you lifted weight off my shoulders every time I saw you and the smile that you always showed to try and brighten my day. But just as my brother, Jackson I am confident you no longer feel the pain or suffering you endured on earth. For that I am forever grateful. I will be looking for signs of you and Ben everywhere I go for the rest of my life, because I know you two will be together forever now.
Until we meet again,
Your little sister too :)
Amanda Brooksmith

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