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Les Mémoires
Tim Lee

   I'm blessed to have known you. You were a great guy and an amazing friend. Always the one to make everyone calm down and focus on what really matters, to stop fights and make people laugh. You always had a way about you with everyone and people gravitated towards you and your personality. I'm sorry I moved away and missed your last days but I do know I was happy to be apart of your life for the times I was. You left behind many friends and no enemy's, a sign of a real man. Keep it real up there till we see you again . . . .

Jamie Martorana


I have to say that every time I was with you, it was an adventure! From years ago when you, Cody, and I ran out of gas first thing in the morning. Watching you run across the street (Pretty sure you were doing some pretty wonderful Ballerina jumps across the street) with the gas can. That was priceless! haha. Late night walks home, you were so sweet giving me your shirt because I was cold. You were always sweet and so kind hearted, obviously something everybody you have crossed loved about you. Of course waking up on the couch with you curled up in a ball next to me! I was freaked out that I didnt even wake up when you came in, but so happy to see you there :) I can remember when we layed on my very hard, very uncomfortable back pourch one night for what seemed like forever. We just talked about life and I feel I really got to know the real you that night. I will never forget it. You meant more to me than I think you ever knew. I know we havent even talked in probably two years and we went our different ways, but I thought of you often. I will never stop thinking of you. You are an amazing man Jackson, truly beautiful inside and out and will be missed by many. Thank you for the memories that I will always hold close to my heart <3
Love Always, Jamie

Amanda Shands

Jackson, I remember the first time we met. We were in 8th grade and you had spiked blonde hair, gorgeous blue eyes, and a beautiful smile that could light up a room.  We immediately clicked, dating for awhile then transitioning into good friends. I will always remember you as my first boyfriend although I’m sure I wasn’t you’re first girlfriend because the ladies loved you and you loved the ladies ;-)  We had such a good time together rocking out to Blink 182, camping, and pulling all-nighters with friends. You had a personality that was infectious, and people loved being around you! You will be missed by so many. Now you and Ben meet again…..  Amanda

I had not seen Jackson in a few years, but I first met him in Jr. High. What I remember most is he was always surrounded by so many people because he was such an amazing person. He was always very sweet to me and I always appreciated that about him. He had a huge, generous and loving soul and heart. He had the most beautiful crystal blue eye's :) It's weird I was actually thinking about him a couple weeks ago and was wondering how he was doing and then I hear he had passed and my heart was broken. You can tell how much of an impact he had made on so many lives and I am very proud to have ever met such an amazing, inspirational, and gentle human being. I am so sorry to all that have lost such a wonderful friend and family member. Just remember he will be in all of our hearts forever and he is watching down on every one of you, He is the angel in heaven that he was here on earth!!! Forever Young. RIP my friend
I remember  when aunt Kathy use to watch Kenney and I would watch you do flips off the house onto to the trampoline , I remember going to watch your basketball games, and you playing drums in the basement and stopping to play G I Joes with me. I will miss you.
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